Denomination: Lutheran Church
We believe. . .
That the Bible is the inspired Word of God, correct and true in all its parts and the only source for all teaching and conduct of the Christian.
That all people are sinners separated from God, who cannot save themselves and deserve eternal punishment.
That Jesus Christ, true God and true man, lived, suffered, died and rose for the sins of all people, that we might not be separated from God any longer.
That whosoever repents of their sins and accepts Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit as their Savior and Lord has forgiveness of their sins and eternal life with God.
Therefore, each person is saved from eternal separation from God only by the grace of God Himself, through faith in Jesus Christ.
In response to this loving gift of God, Christians will strive to live holy lives as the fruit of their faith, and together with their fellow Christians, serve God and do His will.
That the Bible is the inspired Word of God, correct and true in all its parts and the only source for all teaching and conduct of the Christian.
That all people are sinners separated from God, who cannot save themselves and deserve eternal punishment.
That Jesus Christ, true God and true man, lived, suffered, died and rose for the sins of all people, that we might not be separated from God any longer.
That whosoever repents of their sins and accepts Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit as their Savior and Lord has forgiveness of their sins and eternal life with God.
Therefore, each person is saved from eternal separation from God only by the grace of God Himself, through faith in Jesus Christ.
In response to this loving gift of God, Christians will strive to live holy lives as the fruit of their faith, and together with their fellow Christians, serve God and do His will.