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Denomination: Baptist

What we believe

At Alder Springs, we believe in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, came, died, and rose again for remission of our sins. If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just to cleanse us of our unrighteousness.

We believe in the Trinity-The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost and that they are all one. We believe our Lord will come back and take His children to our Heavenly home.

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10:00am Sunday School
11:00am Morning Service
6:00pm Evening Service
7:00pm Wednesday Night Service

5th Sunday Morning-Youth Service
5th Sunday Evening-Singing


We are conducting restricted in-house services. We will continue observing guidelines to provide the safest environment possible for all congregants. The fellowship hall will be available in the event you feel more comfortable locating in that area. As in prior services, and with the rise of COVID-19 cases in Tennessee, we strongly encourage the wearing of masks, not shaking hands, and not embracing as you may have been accustomed prior to this corona-virus. We ask everyone to enter and exit in an orderly manner to adhere to the distancing requirements as much as possible. We will also make an offering receptacle available as you exit the service.

As before, we understand that these restrictions may be a distraction and we want everyone to be comfortable to worship without concern. We will continue to broadcast the live service using the FM 107.1 signal for those that wish to remain in their vehicles. To obtain the best FM reception, we ask those that wish to remain in their vehicles to park directly in front of the church and those that wish to attend inside to park on either side of the church. We will also continue to make messages available on our web site

Please pray for those impacted by the corona-virus and those enduring the disease.

708 Hickory Star Rd Maynardville Tennessee United States 37807

  • Rev. Jimmy Davidson

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