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Denomination: Christian Fellowship

Welcome To Alamo City Church

"A Place For YOU To Fit"

For years we have prayed that God would let us look like San Antonio - a church full of all kinds of people from all kinds of backgrounds - and that is exactly what He is doing! It is the love of Jesus that draws us, His word that instructs us, and His Spirit who is changing us. May you find your way to Alamo City Church soon - a simple place where folks just like you are looking for the real Jesus, the One whose Presence makes all the difference!

Dr. David C. Walker, Senior Pastor

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Worship Times

9:00 am & 11:00 am

7:00 pm to 8:30

6500 IH 35 N San Antonio Texas United States 78218

  • David Crisler Walker & Wife Shirley

    Senior Pastor
  • Jeannene Dedmon

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