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Denomination: Christian and Missionary Alliance

We Believe

the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and our ultimate and final authority for faith and practice.

in one God, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God, our perfect heavenly Father, loves and cares for all.

that God created all humans in His image and that sin has brought separation between God and humans.

that Jesus Christ, the eternal son of God, became a human and sacrificially died on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin.

that the Holy Spirit was sent by God to live in and transform the lives of believers into the likeness of Christ by turning us from a sinful life and enabling us to live the way God intended.

the only way to no longer be separated from God and find salvation is through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting in Him as Lord and Savior. Through faith we become children of God.
that the Church, Christ’s radiant bride, is a spiritual body made up of all believers, each of whom is a vital part of God’s plan.

Our Values

We believe people are created to be in RELATIONSHIP with God and with others. That’s why we place a emphasis on strengthening our community as well as on reaching those outsides of our congregation who might feel disconnected from God and from the Church. We know if we want to change the world, we must build and deepen the relationships we have both inside and outside our church family.

We want to provide an experience through worship and teaching that is both profound and transcendent—an experience that can provide individuals the INSPIRATION we need to become active participants in God’s mission to transform the world.

At Addis Kidan, we believe INTEGRITY means
serving God to the best of our ability.
being faithful and trustworthy to do the things we say we will do.
striving to be authentic to who God created us to be.
working hard to cultivate the gifts and talents He has given us.

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Sunday Worship Sun, 10 a.m.

Saturday Night Worship Sat, 7 p.m.

Sunday School Sun, 9 a.m.

2220 S Chambers Rd Aurora Colorado United States 80014

  • Teame Desta

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