Union Chapel United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church

Union Chapel United Methodist Church, Muncie, Indiana, United States
Christmas Weekend 2016
Family Fun Night 2017
Baptism 2017
2016 Easter Photo Booth

Welcome to Union Chapel!

We're so excited to have you join us at UC! There are Welcome Centers in the lobby of both the Oneighty Building and the Sanctuary that are staffed with people ready and willing to answer questions, give you a tour, or provide you with whatever you need. Please don't hesitate to call our main office with any questions (765.288.8383) and we're looking forward to seeing you sometime soon!

Where is Union Chapel?

We're located at 4622 N Broadway Ave in Muncie, northeast of the mall on the east side of Broadway Ave. which is also called Hwy 67. Our campus is just north of General Truck Sales and one block south of Riggin Road.

When are services?

Our services are at 5:30 on Saturday evenings and 8:45, 10:00, and 11:15 on Sunday mornings. Programming for infant through fifth grade is provided at all services, as well as a full coffee bar.

What do I wear?

Whatever you'd like! No matter what your personal style, you’ll be comfortable at Union Chapel. If you prefer dressy, business, or casual attire, there will be others dressed much like you no matter when you visit.

Where do my kids go?

Many families with young children park on the east side of the building and make use of the covered entry in order to protect their children from the weather. This side of the building is equipped with extended sidewalks to minimize the amount of time young children are walking among the cars and in driving areas. Enter through the east doors for the Preschool or Children’s areas and there will be volunteers ready to help get your children registered and show you
where to go!

Can I schedule a visit?

Absolutely! Simply click here to let us know you're coming and we'll be ready to show you around our campus and answer your questions.

Service Times


5:30 pm – Oneighty Building


8:45 am – Sanctuary

10:00 am – Oneighty Building

11:15 am - Oneighty Building


4622 N Broadway Ave
United States



Gregg Parris
Senior Pastor

Alice Fuller


Tel: 7652888383
Web: http://www.unionchapel.com
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