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Denomination: Foursquare Church

Hello, I’m glad you’re here!

Michille and I would Like to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of The Rock Family I invite you to celebrate the goodness of God with us through the freedom of expressive worship.

Our heart is that through a lifestyle of Kingdom principles and a love of for the Truth, and atmosphere is created that releases the impartation of Heaven evidenced through our personal lives and families, and ultimately our city as we, together, create a revival-culture that sees people healed, set-free, and made whole as we grow in into maturity and the fullness of Jesus Christ.


Steve White

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Sunday Service: 10:30 AM
Wednesday Potluck 6:00PM
Wed Bible study 7PM

2794 US Hwy 93N Kalispell Montana United States 59901-6841

  • Steve White

    Senior Pastor
  • Michille White

    Assisting Minister
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