Temple Street Methodist Church


Temple Street Methodist Church, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
Inside Temple Street Methodist Church, front view
Inside Temple Street Methodist Church, rear view
The Heron Cross Room named in dedication to the Heron Cross Methodist Church
The Mount Tabor Room is named in dedication to the Mount Tabor Chapel

Temple Street Methodist Church & Community Centre is situated in the middle of a densely populated community in Fenton, Stoke-on-Trent, England and the premises are used by many local people both for worship and as part of their daily lives.

Sunday services are held each week beginning at 10.30 am and 6pm. There is no set form of Methodist worship, but prayers, music, bible readings and a sermon are common to most services.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion is observed every month. In the Methodist Church we have what is known as an ‘open table’. In that you do not have to have been confirmed or be a member to receive the elements of bread and wine.

The acts of worship are led by the Minister or by Lay Preachers. A Methodist minister often has more than one Church under his pastoral care and consequently he is unable to lead worship every week. Therefore specially trained lay people lead worship in his absence

The present church is now 34 years old, and combined with the Church Hall is one of the most modern in the Stoke South Circuit.

The Church & Community Centre, in addition to its Sunday worship also has a number of midweek meetings and the Church Hall is used by many organisations who cater for all ages of the population.

Service Times

Church Services

Our Morning Service is held at 10.30a.m. and Evening Service is held at 6.00p.m. every Sunday. You will find a warm welcome at our services, Tea, Coffee and Soft Drink served after each service.


Temple Street
United Kingdom



The Revd Jeffrey Short

Mr. Glenn Parkes
Circuit Administrator


Web: http://www.templestreetchurch.org.uk/
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