Stockbridge First United Methodist Church

United Methodist Church

Stockbridge First United Methodist Church, Stockbridge, Georgia, United States
5th Sunday Celebration - August 30, 2015
2014 Easter Egg Hunt

We'd love to meet you!

Stockbridge First is located just South of the great city of Atlanta in Stockbridge, GA. Whether you are a local or visiting the area, we would love for you to stop by and say hello. We love meeting new people and we would love to meet you!

Celebrating Diversity

At Stockbridge First, we recognize that the Kingdom of Heaven is not monocultural. Rather, people from every tribe, tongue, and nation are included. Our church leadership very intentionally made the decision to serve and represent the community in which we are located (metro Atlanta).

The community at Stockbridge First is not only diverse racially, but also in regards to politics, age, and socio-economics. In the midst of this diversity, we are still unified. People from very different walks of life are brought together for one purposeā€”to worship Jesus.

Through and Through

Our church is not only diverse in the body of our congregation, but in our paid staff members and those who serve in various leadership positions in the church.

A Work In Progress

There is still progress that needs to take place within our church in regards to diversity appreciation and racial reconciliation. You can help be a part of that growth.

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

8:30am Traditional Service: Come and enjoy an early morning service with music, liturgy, singing, prayer and a wonderful message.

11:00am Modern Service: Come and be moved by the modern music, prayer, and applicable message.


4863 N Henry Blvd
United States



Andy Postell
Lead Pastor

Diane Benzon
Office Manager


Tel: 7704744111
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