St. Patrick Church

Roman Catholic

St. Patrick Church, Burlington, Ontario, Canada
St. Patrick Church, Burlington, Ontario, Canada
The sanctuary

St. Patrick Catholic Church belongs to our parish community. A PARISH is made up of people who live in a collection of neighborhoods in one area of a city or town. .There are about 1800 families that make up the St. Patrick Parish family! Within our parish, we have two elementary schools which are St. Patrick School and Ascension School. Also, our parish community works with Assumption Catholic Secondary School.

Our Parish's Mission Statement is:

"St. Patrick's Parish is a place of Christian fellowship, dedicated to drawing people into a deepening relationship with Jesus Christ through the celebration of the Word and for our Sacraments."

Mass Times


Lord’s Day Mass Times
Saturday – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday – 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.


Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. Wednesday- Friday 8:30 a.m.
1st Friday’s Mass is at 8:00 a.m. with Benediction.

Covid Update

It is with thanksgiving and gratitude that we can share with you the wonderful news of being able to once again Celebrate Mass together!

Our first Mass was celebrated on Friday June 11th, 2021 @ 8:30 am.

Our Lords Day Masses was Celebrated Saturday June 12 @ 5 pm and Sunday June 13. @ 9 am & 11 am.

Please Note: 15% capacity in St. Patrick Church is limited to 60 persons.

If needed, we will be prepared to accommodate 15% of our Hall capacity for the overflow who will participate in the Mass from the Hall where the Eucharist will be distributed as well.

Due to changes in the provincial regulations, we no longer have to do covid tracing. We will still be following all recommended safe practices regarding Covid. Masks are mandated for parishioners with the exception of young children under 2 yrs of age.

Sanitizing and wiping down the pews will be a priority between Masses. Washroom facilities will be limited to allow sanitizing protocols to be fulfilled between guests.

Looking forward to the celebration of Mass with you!


196 Kenwood Avenue
L7L 4L8



Father Godwin Pinto

Bonnie Maloney
Administrative Assistant


Tel: 9056326114
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