St Nicholas Anglican Church
Anglican Church
Our Vision
Becoming a Christian is the most amazing thing. It's so radical that St Paul describes it as a new creation, a renewal from the inside out. Jesus was the one who introduced the phrase 'born again!' This simple summary attempts to capture something of the ongoing nature of outworking a fresh start, a new beginning with Jesus as Lord and Saviour, God as Father and the Holy Spirit as our enabler.
As Christians, we are blessed in a relationship with God as Father through Jesus. As blessed people, we want to be a blessing to God, to one another and to our communities and workplaces.
As Christians, we have been adopted into God’s family and belong in a loving relationship with Him. However, for each of us, this has been and continues to be, a journey. We want to welcome people exploring a relationship with Jesus. Together we are forming a community growing together in faith, hope, and love.
As Christians, we are called to follow Jesus and His way. This is challenging for each one of us and is only possible with the help of God’s Holy Spirit and mutual encouragement.
What we really believe impacts how we actually behave. As Christians, we want to live with integrity and generosity, increasingly reflecting the way of Jesus. We want our lives to speak to others of Jesus, not just our words.
Service Times
9 am Church Family service with (currently)
Parental oversight through Families4Families.
5 pm Prayer and Praise
Our Growth Groups meet through the week:
2.00 pm Fellowship Group
2.00 pm Tuesday (off-site)
7.30 pm Online Growth Group (Zoom)
9.00 am Communion Service
10.30 am In Touch Bible Study Group (off-site)
7.00 pm Connect for Women Men's Growth Group-Offsite
9.00 am Contemplative Prayer (Zoom)
10.00 am C.R.A.F.T. Group- a creative gathering around crafts, coffee and often cake.
11 Paris Road
Western Australia
Rev Jamie Murray
Parish Priest
Ian Craig
Tel: 08972582360897961090
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