St. Luke's Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church

St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Vancouver, Washington, United States

Service Info and Time
Holy Eucharist
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist
10:00 AM
Santa Misa en Español
1:00 PM
Holy Eucharist and Healing Service
10:00 AM
Taizé Service (3rd Saturday)
6:00 PM
Jazz Vespers (1st  Saturday, bi-monthly)
6:00 PM
Saint Luke's ~ San Lucas Church is the historical church of the Oregon Territory, tracing the presence of Anglican worship back to the period of the Hudson Bay Company's settlement of Fort Vancouver, located north of the Columbia River. From 1836-1838, the Anglican presence was a chaplaincy in the fort. In 1850 the first Episcopal clergy arrived but did not stay long. Another followed in 1853, then in 1857 the church obtained a building and regular services were held.
As a historical church of the original settlement, St. Luke's has held onto a sense of awareness and care for the downtown area, where it is still located. Through programs of food and clothing, almsgiving, and by joining with other churches in the downtown area, the Church has strived to live out the mission of God through his people by caring for our neighbors. At this time, St. Luke's hosts the Columbia Counseling Center, and provides space for a modest amount to AA, NA, GA groups, including one for the deaf.
St. Luke's launched Spanish worship in the late 1990's, recognizing the new population arriving in Vancouver. Through the faithful service of one particular priest, the Reverend Annette Arnold-Boyd, the Spanish worship has continued to this day. The current Rector, Jaime Case, is fluent in Spanish and at the Reverend Arnold-Boyd's 2011 retirement has taken on the task of ministering to this young community. In recognition of this ministry, the church often refers to itself as "St. Luke's ~ San Lucas."
St. Luke's ~ San Lucas strives to be a warm, caring, inclusive congregation respecting diversity while faithfully working out our understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Elsewhere you can find our Mission Statement and Parish Goals. 
If you are looking for a spiritual home and companions for the journey of faith, we invite you to see who we are and what we offer.  
Please come visit us.
Fr. Jaime


426 E Fourth Plain Blvd
United States



The Rev Jaime Case


Tel: 3606960181
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