St John's Church

Anglican Church

St. John's Church Wakefield
St. John's Church Wakefield interior
Coffee after Church in the cafe area
Toddler Group
Parish weekend away

St. John’s is an Anglican church, part of the Church of England, but we are pleased to welcome visitors of all faiths and none, either in person, or through this website. If you haven’t had the opportunity yet, perhaps you may be able to come and see us in person some time in the future. We should be pleased to see you.

St. John’s Church is a beautiful building, built in 1795, but extensively reordered at the end of the nineteenth century, with the addition of a chancel in a very sympathetic style in 1905.

But, more than that, St. John’s is home to a lively Christian community; a group of people who have found that following Jesus Christ brings us the answers to our deepest needs and questions and enables us to make sense of life. Not that we no longer have any questions, but we know whom to go to with those questions. If you aren’t at all sure about this Christian faith business and what it is all about, we would be delighted to welcome you as we welcome all honest enquirers.

Whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever your faith (or lack of faith), may we wish you God’s blessing in your life.

With best wishes
St John's Church

Our Mission Statement

St. John's is here to be a living, loving and serving witness to Christ; worshipping, learning and growing in our faith together, reaching out to share God's love in the community and bringing his Word to all.

Service Times


8am Every Sunday – Holy Communion

This is a short, usually half hour, very peaceful and traditional service without music.

10.00am - 1st, 3rd , 4th and 5th Sunday each month – Family Communion. This is a traditional service with a contemporary edge. We sing traditional hymns and modern Christian worship songs. Coffee is served afterwards.

10.00am – 2nd Sunday each month – Family Service. This is a contemporary style of service for all ages. We tend to sing more of the modern worship songs during this service. There’s often an opportunity for the congregation to participate and always a short bit of teaching. Coffee is served afterwards.


WEDNESDAY LUNCHES simple, good value lunches are served every Wednesday from 12 noon to 1pm. There’s a bowl of soup, followed by a cold buffet (cold meats, quiche, salad etc) and a pudding, all for just £3.50 and with good company guaranteed.

ST.JOHN’S LADIES GUILD meets monthly on the second Monday of the month at 7.30pm. They follow a varied programme of events through the year including social occasions, services and meetings with a speaker.

STUDY GROUPS meet during the week at several times of year for prayer, study & fellowship. There are also regular groups for those wishing to explore the basic principles of the Christian faith. Please see the calendar on our home page or contact the vicar.

MUSIC practices are on Thursday evenings, roughly fortnightly, at 7.30pm.

SCOUT AND GUIDE groups meet weekly in the Scout Hut.


St John's Vicarage
65 Bradford Road
United Kingdom



Rev’d. Stephanie Buchanan


Tel: 01924371029
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