St Clement Catholic Church
Roman Catholic
Mission Statement
The community of St. Clement Catholic Church joyfully declares and embraces the following values: Eucharist centered life, stewardship, community and formation, worshiping God in spirit and truth and serving our sisters and brothers, particularly the poor and needy, by generous acts of charity.
Nuestra Mision
La communidad de la Inglesia Catolica de San Clemente alegremente declara y adopta los siguientes valores: vida centrada en la Eucaristia mayordomia, comunidad y formacion, alabando a Dios en espiritu y verdad y sirviendo a nuestos heranas y hermanos, particularmente a los pobre y necesitados, a traves de actos de caridad.
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil/Vigilia del sabado:
4:00pm in English
Sunday Masses/Misas los domingos:
7:00am & 10:30am in English
8:30am & 6:00pm en Español (Spanish)
Holy Days of Obligation:
Please call the parish office for the Mass schedule
Weekday Masses/Misas durante la semana:
8:00am Monday-Friday – English (Chapel)
6:30pm Miercoels – Español (Spanish)
Weekly Exposition:
Every Wednesday from 8:30am-8:00pm
Sacrament of Penance/Sacramento de la Reconciliacion:
Saturdays from 2:30pm – 3:30pm (Church)
1104 N Alexander St
Plant City
United States
Fr. Mike O’Brien
Gary Runkles
Business Manager
Tel: 8137528251307
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