St. Anne

Roman Catholic

St. Anne, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
St. Anne's church sign
Kids 4 Christ St. Anne's
Our Current RCIA candidates
Catholic Women's League celebrates 50 years of outreach by the CWL Clothing Depot


Through his death and resurrection, Christ became the true and perfect temple of the New Covenant and gathered together a people of his own.

This holy people, unified through the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is the Church that is the temple of God built of living stones, where the Father is worshipped in spirit and truth.

Rightly, then, from the early times the name "church" has been given to a building in which the Christian community gathers to hear the word of God, to pray together, to celebrate the sacraments, and to participate in the Eucharist." from the Roman Pontifical

If you are new to St. Anne's Parish, we want to meet you and invite you to join with us in our parish life. If you are already a registered parishioner, we want to get to know you better so that everyone will develop a real bond of friendship and a sense of belonging here. Join us so that together we may accomplish our task more fully as the Body of Christ.

Mass Times

2015 Christmas Mass Times

Thursday, December 24th: 5:00 pm (Precious Body only-No Precious Blood)/ 7:30 pm / 11:00 pm (incense will be used at the 11:00 Mass)

Friday, December 25th: 10:00 am

Saturday, December 26th: 5:00 pm / Sunday, December 27th: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Thursday, December 31st: 5:00 pm / Friday, January 1st: 10:00 am

Regular Liturgy Schedule

Weekend Liturgies
Saturday: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 11:00 am
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday - 4:00 - 4:45 pm (and by appointment)

Daily Mass Schedule
Monday: 8:30 am Morning Prayer
Tuesday: 8:00 am Mass / 8:30 am Rosary
Wednesday: 8:00 am Mass / 8:30 am Rosary / 8:00 pm

Thursday: 8:00 am Mass / 8:30 am Hospitality
Friday: 8:00 am Mass / 8:30 am Rosary / 2:00 pm Mass at Primrose Chateau


217 Lenore Drive
S7K 6Y2



Fr. Matthew Ramsay

Darlene Fix
Operations Manager


Tel: 3069314700
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