Saint Joseph

Roman Catholic

Saint Joseph, Tollcross, Glasgow City, United Kingdom

St Joseph’s is located in the Tollcross area of Glasgow. It is the home to a vibrant Catholic community that seeks to live the gospel through its prayer, its community life and its service of others. Welcome to our website.

St. Joseph’s is home to St. Paul’s Primary School and to Cardinal Winning Secondary School, both of which are visited by our parishioners and by our Parish Priest.

St. Joachim’s is located in the village of Carmyle. It too is an active parish with a strong community spirit. While St. Joachim’s is served from St. Joseph’s Tollcross, the former presbytery in Carmyle is now home to the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception who minister in both parishes alongside the parish priest Fr. Andrew McKenzie.

St. Joachim’s serves St. Joachim’s Primary School. Carmyle is also home to the Comboni Missionaries.

Mass Times

Mass Times

Saturday: Vigil 5:30pm @ St. Joseph’s

Sunday: 10.00am @ St. Joachim’s and 11:30 am @ St. Joseph’s

Weekday Mass

Holy Day of Obligation:
9.30am, 7.30pm

Confessions and Exposition


Saturday 4.45p.m. – 5.15 pm. @ St. Joseph’s,
Sunday 9.30am – 9.45 @ St. Joachim’s

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Fridays 10am – 12noon @ St. Joseph’s


14 Fullarton Avenue
Glasgow City
United Kingdom
G32 8NJ



Rev Andrew McKenzie MA
Parish Priest


Tel: 01417781054
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