Polyphant Methodist Church

Methodist Church

Polyphant Methodist Church and Community Centre

We are a group with diverse origins in the Christian faith so there is a warm welcome for everyone to our Services regardless of their tradition.


As well as church services and meetings the building is used during the week by local groups for meetings and various activities. Currently on the second Wednesday of each month 10 a.m. – 11.30 there a coffee morning with bring and buy table and a selection of books, cassettes ,jigsaws etc.to browse, borrow or buy.

The Polyphant Ladies Club meet on the last Wednesday of each month with organised speakers and outings (contact Ann Bishop 01566 88019) Art and Craft Club have been meeting on Tuesday afternoon each week. They have had their last meeting for this year (2017) but will be restarting March 2018, (Contact Pat Thomasson 01566 86121).

Future Events and Services

Services on a Sunday Morning are normally at 10.30 am but there are occasional variations e.g. Easter/Christmas/Harvest Festival. If in doubt please consult the Circuit Plan or phone one of the contacts below.

Service Times

Normal Sunday Service: 10.30 am – please check Circuit Plan for details:



United Kingdom
PL15 7PS



Rev D Sparey-Delacassa

Mr Richard Wright
Circuit Administrator


Tel: 01566880400
Web: https://www.lamc.org.uk/polyphant-methodist-church
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