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Denomination: Lutheran Church


We are family. We are friends. We are children of God.

We are not perfect. In fact, we are sinners, plain and simple. But we know the incredible truth: God forgives our sins. He promises to bring us to be with him in heaven. He shares this amazing promise with us in the Bible—the only source of truth in a world full of questions.

Filled with the joy of that promise, we want to serve God, each other, and our neighbors. We want to share his message of love and forgiveness: it’s for everyone. Whether you’ve never heard of Jesus before or you are a life-long Christian, we would love for you to be part of our family. Want to know more? Contact us anytime.

Join us for worship! 1941 Madison Street, Waukesha, WI.

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Worship Times

Sunday 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 am

Wednesday 6:30 pm

(follows same worship and music as previous Sunday)

Saturday 5:00 pm

Modern music with (worship band) Isaiah 62 on March 11th, April 8th.

Worship with Koiné on March 4th (Footsteps To The Cross), March 18th, April 1st.

1941 Madison St Waukesha Wisconsin United States 53188-4899

  • Josh Bodden

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