Memorial Baptist Church


Memorial Baptist Church, Killeen, Texas, United States
Christmas Worship Service 2015
United service
Chili Cookoff 2016
He is alive! Easter 2015

At Memorial, we believe in meeting people where they are; not waiting for them to find us. All of us, whether we committed our lives to Christ last week, last year, or decades ago are at a different place in our journey. While we will never compromise the truth of God’s word, the teachings of Jesus, or the standards that he demands of his disciples, we will never refuse to minister to individuals based on the mistakes they have made. Jesus, during his time on Earth, was willing to minister to the lost no matter where they were. When the Pharisees brought the adulteress before Jesus he did not condemn her, but told her to “go and sin no more.” The truth is that “We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Even those who have been Christians their entire lives still struggle with temptation and the pitfalls that the devil lays in front of them. The difference is that, by accepting the sacrifice that Christ made on the cross, we can be confident that he has washed away our stains and we can stand blameless before the Father when we leave this world.

None of us at Memorial, from the pastoral staff to the newest members, have it all figured out. But we find strength in the relationships we have built as we struggle together in this journey called life. You don’t need to be perfect to attend our fellowship. If that were the requirement, our building would be empty every Sunday. You also don’t need to wear a suit and tie or a brand new dress to worship with us. All we ask is that you come with an open mind, willing to hear what God has to tell you. Whether you have just moved to the area, have been out of church for several years, or have never stepped foot in a church before in your life, there is a place for you at Memorial. We look forward to meeting you!

Service Times


@ 9:30/ 11:00 a.m. & 6 p.m.
We have services for everyone; our prayer is that you feel welcomed and leave knowing that you are loved, being pursued, and have a purpose for your life!


@ 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Join us Wednesday mornings for an in-depth Bible study. Join us Wednesday nights for Women’s, Kids, NAPS, and Youth Ministry

See also


4001 Trimmier Rd
United States



Justin Moss
Senior Pastor

Susie Casper
Administration Specialist


Tel: 2546346882
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