Manna Church


Manna Church, Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
Manna Church Mother's Day 2017

Our Vision

At Manna Church, our mission is to glorify God by equipping His people to change their world and by planting churches with the same world-changing vision.

We Plan To Accomplish This By

Helping God’s people discover their individual gifts and callings, creating an environment where these gifts and callings may be developed, and deploying the people to be salt and light in their world. Our Small Groups are designed to help accomplish this goal.

Helping God’s people build strong families and by creating a community where individuals may find fulfillment and expression regardless of age or marital status.

Planting churches with the same vision both domestically and abroad.

We do Three Things

Love God • Love Each Other • Love The World

1. Love God

We strive to provide inspiring worship experiences. We call them “experiences” because our goal is to passionately pursue the Presence of God and make much of His glory. Though we are one church that meets in many locations, each of our experiences is designed to meet this goal.

2. Love Each Other

We believe that the church of Jesus Christ is not a building or a location or even just a weekend experience. We believe that the church is people, and people were created to be in relationship. Our church engages in relationship and discipleship through our small group system.

3. Love The World

We believe that our job is to change the world. That is why we prioritize an aggressive outreach strategy.

Service Times

Thursday: 6:30pm






Sunday (Spanish): 2:30pm


5117 Cliffdale Road
North Carolina
United States



Michael Fletcher
Senior Pastor


Tel: 9108679151
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