Lundar Lutheran Church


Lundar Lutheran Church, Lundar, Manitoba, Canada

We are a very close church family, with an average attendance of 25 people at Sunday worship. We are always welcome to visitors and new members.We are a spirited congregation and have an active Sunday School, Confirmation Class, and Youth Group. We are also involved in various projects/groups in our community such as; Prayer Partner's group, Prayer Chain, Christmas Food Hampers, Community Christmas Card (proceeds to a community project), participate in weekly Lundar Personal Care Home Services, World Day of Prayer, Host Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Supper and give a monetary donation to the High School Breakfast Program, and deliver meals-on-wheels.We also support the projects of the ELCIC and our synod M/NO when possible with most recently being, CLWR -making kits and purchases from Gifts from the Heart, donation Mission as Hope Appeal and designated member giving to CLWR.All our members are encouraged to give to the rojects/missions of the ELCIC & synod through their personal giving.

Service Times

Sunday 10:30AM Worship
Sunday 10:30AM Sunday School


16 First Ave




Tel: 2047625592
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