Living Hope Presbyterian Church


Living Hope Presbyterian Church, Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, United States
First Worship Service as Living Hope Presbyterian Church
Birthday Party for Jesus 2015
Trunk or Treat 2011

To anyone seeking a new church home, we hope that you find us to be a church where all people feel welcomed and respected, where our faith journeys can be shared and encouraged, and where all can receive and give the things that make for a faith-filled life.

We are open to all who believe the Gospel of our Lord. Feel free to join us for worship, fellowship, study, and service opportunities. We seek to share the good news of God’s love and God’s invitation to make a difference where we live and work.

Come make a difference in your life…

Come make a difference in someone else’s life…

Service Times

Worship – Sundays at 10:00 A.M. – Sanctuary

Fellowship – Sundays at 11:00 A.M. – Fellowship Hall

And throughout the week:

Bible Study – Mondays at 9:30 A.M. – Brookfield Room

Friday Prayers – Fridays at 11:00 A.M. – Brookfield Room

Our regular schedule will resume once the shelter-in-place has been lifted.

If you are a resident of Dickson Hollow, you can watch our service Sunday mornings on Channel 966.

Living Hope returned to in-person worship in the sanctuary on May 16, 2021

The following safety protocols will be followed (5/16/21)

Vaccination Status: Full vaccination plus two weeks is strongly encouraged.
Distance: Family units shall remain 6 feet distance from other family units. Chairs will be arranged with those requirements in mind, with, ordinarily, no more than two chairs next to each other.
Masking: Face coverings are required over the mouth and nose for everyone at all times. Disposable masks will be available for those who forget to bring their own. Exception are for preacher/ liturgists as they speaking.
Hand Sanitizer: Hand sanitizer will be available at both doors.
Attendance Log: An attendance log will be kept by the ushers for the purposes of contact tracing in the event of a potential COVID exposure.
Ushers: Two (2) ushers will be used for information purposes (see bulletins)
Bulletins: Bulletins will not be available in the space. Bulletins will be emailed and people can choose to print them off. A limited number will be available at the front desk of Dickson Hollow earlier in the week. The screen will be used for liturgy.
Singing: No congregational singing. A soloist or small group may sing, but must be physically distant from the rest of the congregation.
Passing of the Peace: Passing of the Peace will be eliminated at this time.
Liturgist: Liturgist will be used and assigned by the church office.
Communion: Protocols to be determined.
Offering: A location to drop off offerings will be present at each door; offering plates will not be passed.
Offering Counting: Offering will not be counted by volunteers to begin with
Fellowship: No fellowship time at this point. People will be encouraged not to linger after the service.
Digital Alternative: Use of 966 will continue indefinitely. Zoom will continue to be used and evaluated as time progresses.

In the future, we will return to Communion and Fellowship in this format:


Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month and at other special times throughout the year and is open to all. We serve by intinction (dipping the bread into the juice) and offer gluten free bread options.

Coffee and Conversation

After every worship service, join us for coffee, refreshments, and conversation in our fellowship area.


W156 N4881 Pilgrim Road
Menomonee Falls
United States



Rev. Will Houts
Transition Pastor

Lisa Quinn
Administrative Assistant


Tel: 2625998340
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