Lifepoint Church
Assemblies of God
Real People • Real Life
We believe that Jesus calls real people to real life. Real people face life without pretence, recognizing its complexity, alert to its challenge. Real people do not settle for a life of ease, drifting with the cultural current. In our services, and in doing life together, Lifepoint pursues something better.
We believe in real worship
At Lifepoint we know that God is Three-in-One – and that we are many. We match our diversity of colour, conviction and life circumstance with diversity in style. Communities worship with liturgy and silence; prayer gatherings are vibrant with song and loud voices. What we share is a creative spirit, and an urgency in worship: to give to Jesus His place as Lord among us, and to give ourselves, in every dimension of life, creatively and without reserve, to Him.
We believe in real community
At Lifepoint we’ve discovered that real life is something you do with others. Some of us choose to live in residential communities, sharing a common life, modelling simplicity and truthfulness in their relationships. Others meet in homes or in the Lifepoint building, whether as ethnic groups, groups for young mums, or in “life groups” around the city. What all these share is a thirst for real life, sharing joys and sorrows openly, offering real help to one another, depending together on the grace and power of Jesus Christ.
We believe in real witness
At Lifepoint we are convinced that God has sent us into the world to be a witness for Him. For most of us the world is local: Wellington, our workplaces, our places of education, our homes. For some the world is the urban poor, in our city and beyond. For others the world is overseas, in mission to far-flung places. Together we puzzle over how to live as witnesses; we pray for each other and for the nations; and we seek the renewing power of the Holy Spirit.
Service Times
Sundays at 10.00 am
61 Hopper Street
Mount Cook
New Zealand
Matthew Scott
Chris Velvin
Office Administrator
Tel: 64043819310
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