Denomination: Assemblies of God
We are passionate about demonstrating God's love, compassion and care for one another, for people in our community and beyond.
Pursuing the presence of God is our core objective and there is a strong sense of His presence in our meetings. We believe we have a calling to be a House of Prayer and hold prayer ministries throughout the year where other churches can get involved.
We are part of the international denomination - Assemblies of God.
We are also part of a network of local churches in Kirkby called "Kirkby Churches Together" (KCT) to share the message of hope through Jesus in our locality and together we hold weekly healing on the streets in the centre of town.
We understand it can be hard to walk into an unfamiliar church building, maybe for the first time. We offer a warm welcome to all visitors, with teas and coffees always available, and the option of a quiet chat in the conservatory.
Our aim is to provide a safe place for people to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ
We are an informal and family-friendly Church with a passion for the presence of God and we are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our meetings. We encourage people to use their God-given gifts.
We believe God still has a special plan for Israel and it is important that we pray and support the Jewish people.
We are a prayerful church and believe that we have a specific calling to be a "House of Prayer". We hold regular prayer events such as: 24 hours of prayer, prayer retreats and special days of prayer for the persecuted church and Israel. These events are open for other churches to join us too.
Building strong relationships is important to us and we encourage this through praying together, meeting together and eating together on a regular basis at our Bring and Share meal after the Sunday morning meeting.
We believe that the body of Christ is one and that's why we are part of Kirkby Churches Together.
Pursuing the presence of God is our core objective and there is a strong sense of His presence in our meetings. We believe we have a calling to be a House of Prayer and hold prayer ministries throughout the year where other churches can get involved.
We are part of the international denomination - Assemblies of God.
We are also part of a network of local churches in Kirkby called "Kirkby Churches Together" (KCT) to share the message of hope through Jesus in our locality and together we hold weekly healing on the streets in the centre of town.
We understand it can be hard to walk into an unfamiliar church building, maybe for the first time. We offer a warm welcome to all visitors, with teas and coffees always available, and the option of a quiet chat in the conservatory.
Our aim is to provide a safe place for people to learn about the Lord Jesus Christ
We are an informal and family-friendly Church with a passion for the presence of God and we are open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in our meetings. We encourage people to use their God-given gifts.
We believe God still has a special plan for Israel and it is important that we pray and support the Jewish people.
We are a prayerful church and believe that we have a specific calling to be a "House of Prayer". We hold regular prayer events such as: 24 hours of prayer, prayer retreats and special days of prayer for the persecuted church and Israel. These events are open for other churches to join us too.
Building strong relationships is important to us and we encourage this through praying together, meeting together and eating together on a regular basis at our Bring and Share meal after the Sunday morning meeting.
We believe that the body of Christ is one and that's why we are part of Kirkby Churches Together.