Hope Covenant Church
Evangelical Covenant Church
Hi, I’m Bill Walles, the Lead pastor of Hope Covenant Church – a new partnership for Snohomish County!
I was blessed with the opportunity to start Hope in Lake Stevens about 7 years ago. We began Hope because we believed there were people just like you who wanted to be part of something greater. People who wanted to build community and celebrate life together. We believe this all happens when we see ourselves as part of God’s great story of Hope found in Jesus Christ. One of the things that makes our part in this story unique is our combination of Core Values that fill everything we do here at Hope. Joy, Honesty, Generosity, Simplicity, and Compassion have been part of our story from the beginning, and will remain at our core no matter what changes for us in the future. Speaking of change: there’s a new chapter in our story - a move into our own building in Everett. By joining forces with the Covenant church in Everett we truly believe we can reach even more people in Snohomish County – and invite them to build this community of Hope with us. Which brings our story back to you. We believe that the Church is the only organization that exists for those who aren’t yet part of the community! Finding us on the web is a great start – but we want you to come grow with us. We need your passion, your excitement. We need you to find your part in God’s epic story.
Service Times
Sunday Mornings at 9 and 10:30 a.m.
4502 Rucker Ave
United States
Bill Walles
Lead Pastor
Chris Allen
Tel: 4252529191
Web: http://hopesnoco.org/
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