Holy Name of Mary Parish
Roman Catholic
A warm welcome from Fr. Lindsay
Hello! Welcome to Holy Name of Mary Parish in Almonte. We are a Catholic community anchored by our faith in Jesus Christ. We gather and celebrate our faith in and around our beautiful church building. We have exciting things to offer as a spiritual community. If you are a visitor to our pretty corner of Mississippi Mills don't let shyness keep you from entering our gentle space. Families find our children's liturgy at the Sunday masses an important faith support. Our parish activities include sacraments, various programs, ministries and socials. Please contact me through the parish office if you would like information or simply an introduction.
Mass Times
Schedule of Liturgies: Palm Sunday/Passion of our Lord
Sat. Mar. 28 4:30pm Jacques & Jeannette Samson by The Family
* Bill & Yvette Kerluke & Family
Sun. Mar. 29 9:00am PALM/PASSION SUNDAY
Gerald Carroll by John & Cathy Grace
* Jeff & Amy Kerluke & Family
10:30am Theresa Gosset by June Davidson
* Ken & Marsha Kicksee & Family
Tue. Mar. 31 9:00am For the intentions of George & Judy Czernys
7:00pm CHRISM MASS – Notre Dame Cathedral, Ottawa
Blessing of oils which will be used during the ensuing year in the
Administration of the Sacraments
Thu. Apr. 02 7:00pm HOLY THURSDAY - Our Lord’s Supper (Exposition until Midnight)
For the intentions of Fr. Lindsay and the Parishioners
Fri. Apr. 03 GOOD FRIDAY
12:00pm Walk of the Cross
3:00pm Passion of our Lord
7:00pm Stations of the Cross
Sat. Apr. 04 8:00pm EASTER VIGIL (Beginning outside the church)
For the intentions of Fr. Lindsay and the Parishioners
* Bill & Yvette Kerluke & Family
9:00am Ossie & Kay Muldoon by Rose Muldoon & Charlie McKay
* Jeff & Amy Kerluke & Family
10:30am Monica Stockton by Fr. Lindsay and the Parishioners
* Ken & Marsha Kicksee & Family
(* Indicates the special family being prayed for at this Mass)
Regular Mass Schedule
Weekends: Sat. 4:30 pm. Sun. 9:00 am*, 10:30 am* (* Children's Liturgy)
Family mass: Last Sunday of the month at 9:00 am
Weekdays: Tuesday & Thursdays: 7:00 pm, Friday 9:00 am
First Saturday: 9:00 am
Other locations
Almonte General Hospital, (Rosamond): First Friday 1:30 pm
Almonte Country Haven: Fourth Thursday, 10:30 am
Fairview Manor: Fourth Friday, 11:00 am
Saint Declan's (check Calendar)
Feast Days of Obligation
Christmas Day, December 25th
Mary, Mother of God, January 1st
Holy Hour - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
One hour before regularly scheduled weekday Masses
and Sunday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 pm
Weekends: Sat. 4:00 - 4:15 pm. Sun. 8:30 - 8:45 am, 10:00 - 10:15 am.
Weekdays: 30 minutes before weekday masses.
Anytime: Upon request!
134 Bridge Street
K0A 1A0
Rev. Lindsay Harrison
Susan Martin
Tel: 6132561034
Web: http://www.holynameofmaryparish.com
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