Henderson Baptist Church


Henderson Baptist Church, Waitakere, Auckland, New Zealand
Henderson Baptist Church, Waitakere, Auckland, New Zealand
Henderson Baptist Church, Waitakere, Auckland, New Zealand

Henderson Baptist Church has been worshipping and serving God, and the people of Henderson, for the last 60 years.

We are a community of people who seek to be Real People with the Real God in the Real World.

We will say of ourselves that we are "A community of faith seeking to make sense of its faith in its community."

We can't do that on our own, thankfully Jesus, the Lord of the Church, promises and provides the Spirit to enable us to be who we are supposed to be, and to do what we are supposed to do.

We are people just like you; brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, grandparents and grandkids, neighbours and friends.

We're students and teachers, nurses, shopkeepers, accountants, physiotherapists, painters, builders, mums at home, cabinetmakers, computer fanatics, managers, beneficiaries and unemployed.

We enjoy, and someimes struggle with, jobs, mortgages, family, health, and the circumstances of life. We drink lattes, eat peanut butter sandwhiches, walk the dog, and cheer for our favourite sports teams.

We have discovered, and continue to discover in new ways, that the love and grace of God makes a difference in our lives.

This Church is representative of God's Church around the world and we are glad that despite the diversity among us in age, race and circumstances, we can worship God and work together.

We have a comprehensive set of ministries within the Church and also reaching out into the community.

Our Worship Services are on Sundays at 10.00 am and 6.00 pm.

There are a range of other activities throughout the week.

You are very welcome to join with us to worship and witness to the goodness and grace of God.

Service Times


10.00am Family Worship

6.00pm Sunday @ 6


319 - 327 Great North Road
New Zealand



Rev. Darcy Haliday
Senior Pastor


Tel: 098369900
Web: http://www.hbc.org.nz
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