Greer First Baptist Church

First Baptist

Greer First Baptist Church, Greer, South Carolina, United States
Easter 2015 at Greer First Baptist Church
2014 Vacation Bible School
Christmas Pageant 2012
2014 High School Graduates

Our Vision

We believe God should be glorified, people matter to God, eternity is at stake, time is finite, urgency is demanded; therefore, we will be a God-honoring faith community that makes disciples who make disciples to transform all people with the gospel message.
Our Mission
We honor God, impact people, and share Christ.

Our Strategy
We fulfill our mission by creating environments where people are encouraged and equipped to pursue:

Passionate spirituality (Honoring God) expressed through appropriating God’s Word, adoring worship, and fervent prayer.
Authentic community (Impacting People) expressed through discipleship groups, exercising spiritual gifts, and faithful stewardship.
Missional zeal (Sharing Christ) expressed through relational evangelism, service evangelism, and mission opportunities.

Our Behavior
We know we are on the right path when our behavior includes:

Reading and practicing the Bible daily.
Attending worship and inviting others weekly.
Practicing a personal prayer time daily.
Participating in a Sunday School/small group weekly.
Exercising our spiritual gifts weekly.
Giving generously of our God-given resources of time, talents, and money regularly.
Speaking of Christ through personal relationships regularly.
Serving others evangelistically regularly.
Participating in a mission or ministry opportunity outside the church building annually.
Helping others develop and implement these habits.

Our Heartbeat
Every day, make disciples.

Service Times


Sundays at 10:30 am


202 W. Poinsett Street
South Carolina
United States



Dr. Doug Mize

Carole Morris
Administrative Assistant


Tel: 8648774253
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