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Denomination: Baptist

Discover the lost - Develop the saved - Deploy the disciple

We love people. From the time you enter our doors, until you leave the parking lot, you will find yourself among people whom want to serve you. We pray that your experience is both friendly and life-changing. We seek to lead people further into a life-altering relationship with the living God.

At First Southern we have something for everyone, including your kids. Shout Children's Ministry offers age appropriate, dynamic activities for kids from birth through 5th grade.

The Lord focuses on the heart more than on the outward appearance, and so do we. You’ll find a wide variety in dress among our congregations—from casual jeans and shorts, to more formal. We simply aim to dress so as not to draw attention to ourselves, but keep the focus on Jesus Christ alone.

In our Garage Student Ministry, 6th graders-12th graders enjoy relevant worship and exciting events.They meet weekly on Sunday morning and Wednesday evening, gathering for large group teaching (and fun!), then break into same-gender Small Groups each week. Students are encouraged to support one another and to take part in serving our body.

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Sunday Morning Events:

​Traditional Worship Service @ 8:30am

Connection Group Bible Studies @ 9:45am. Click here for a list of classes.

Modern Worship Service @ 11:00am

Sunday Evening Programs:

Sunday Night Activities

@5:00pm. Click here for a calendar of events.

Wednesday Evening Programs:

Wed Night Meal @4:30pm

Awana (through 5th Grade) @ 6:00pm

Drive (6th-12th Grade) @ 6:00pm

Wed Night Bible Study @ 6:00pm

The Gathering Worship (College & 20 somethings) @ 8:00pm

6400 S Sooner Rd Oklahoma City Oklahoma United States 73135-5612

  • Shane Hall

  • Christy Thompson

    Administrative Assistant
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