First Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran
First Lutheran is a community of Christians, a gathering of people of diverse ages, culture and traditions. Just as Jesus opened himself to all and, by implication, opened the reign of God to all, so we, the members of First Lutheran seek to do the same. Therefore, all are welcome here regardless of their race, gender or sexual orientation; regardless of their social, economic, educational, linguistic or relationship status; regardless of their citizenship, religious or cultural background or makeup of their family; and regardless of their physical, mental, emotional or spiritual condition. There is a place for you in our community worship, service and life. We are a multicultural, inclusive congregation of the British Columbia Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC)and we welcome all into our community worship, service and life. First Lutheran is a "Reconciling in Christ" congregation--that is, a community which publicly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered persons into full participation in the life of our parish. As an RIC congregation, we are connected to Lutheran concerned - North America (LC/NA) which advocates for GLBT Lutherans in Canada and the United States.
Service Times
Sunday 10:30AM Service of the Word with Holy Communion;
Sunday 6:30 PM Seasonal evening service with or without communion
5745 Wales St
British Columbia
V5R 3N3
Rev. Lori-Anne Boutin-Crawford
Tel: 6044356020
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