First English Lutheran Church

Evangelical Lutheran

First English Lutheran Church, Richmond, Indiana, United States
Candlelight Service, Christmas Eve 2015
Confirmation 2016
Egg Hunt 2013

What We Believe

First English Lutheran Church is a Christian community made up of people who believe that humanity is created in the image of God, forgiven by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and strengthened by the Holy Spirit.

We, like many other Christians, believe in baptizing people of all ages, believing that God's grace is proclaimed through the water and Word of this Sacrament.

We believe in encouraging a public affirmation of faith and baptism; as younger Christians grow in their faith and begin to take responsibility for their own relationship with God, we invite them to participate in a Catechism (Confirmation) program during Middle School years.

We believe that one of the ways we encounter God is through the Eucharist, a Sacrament that is also known as the Lord's Supper or Holy Communion, in which God is truly present with us.

We believe in the priesthood of all believers; therefore, we encourage people to participate in all aspects of worship life and faith living.

We believe that people are both saints and sinners; in other words, we are forgiven and redeemed people who live and participate in the brokenness of this world.

We believe that every member of the church is an equal person while recognizing the individuality and uniqueness of each human being.

We believe that God has a plan for this world, for our church, and for each individual that is greater than we can imagine. Still, we strive to understand that plan and to help fulfill it.

We believe that the church is called to support people in need in every way possible.

We believe that God has been merciful enough to live in our shoes and therefore understands our daily tribulations, frustrations, and pains.

We believe that resurrection overcomes the power of sin and death! We live in a pattern of dying to sin and rising to new life each day - and look forward to the fullness of life everlasting!

Service Times

Come worship God with us!!!

8:00am/10:30am Traditional

9:15am Contemporary
Fellowship Hall


2727 E Main St
United States



John Walker

Jessica Overbey
Parish Administrator


Tel: 7659625773
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