Evangelical Lutheran Conference & Ministerium


Evangelical Lutheran Conference & Ministerium, Altoona, Pennsylvania, United States
Barley Lutheran
Old Zion/Alt Zion Lutheran Church, Philadelphia
St. John Lutheran, Summerfield, Florida
Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church

The Evangelical Lutheran Conference & Ministerium (ELCM) is a Moderate Conservative or Centrist Evangelical Lutheran Synod headquartered in Altoona, PA. ELCM is a Military Chaplaincy Endorsing Denomination and has congregations and pastors in 4 States as well as affiliate members in Africa and India. ELCM calls itself a "Mustard Seed" Synod and is based in the tradition of the Founder of American Lutheranism, Dr. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg. Several of the oldest continuously existing Lutheran Congregations in North America are members of ELCM including two congregations that were part of the original Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania organized by Muhlenberg. ELCM congregations either utilize the Service Book and Hymnal or the Lutheran Book of Worship for traditional Liturgical Worship. Mission support is given to Lutherans in the Czech Republic, to Lutherans in Kenya, and to Lutherans in India. A major effort has been underway to drill drought resistant wells in the Sahael region of Kenya. ELCM is willing to allow pastors of other Lutheran entities to serve in ELCM Congregations after being approved by the Executive Board and upon signing of a memorandum of agreement. Likewise ELCM pastors are allowed to serve Congregations of other Lutheran Groupings provided a Memorandum of understanding is signed by such a congregation with ELCM. ELCM holds to the view that all of Canonical Scripture is God's Immutable and Infallible Word and is to be rightly divided between the Word of Law and the Word of Gospel. Likewise ELCM holds to the view that the Christian Book of Concord is a correct exposition of Holy Scripture and a setting forth of the basic and essential doctrines of Christian Faith. In ELCM women have the right to vote and to hold office in the churches. Only those persons holding to the view that all of Scripture is God's immutable and infallible Word are received into the Ordained Ministry. ELCM is willing to work with other Christians and other Lutherans but is opposed to any efforts at merger, amalgamation, or absorption. The basic organizational principle for ELCM is Consensus by all pastors and all congregations. With the exception of Disciplinary action and Policies that have obtained Consensus in light of Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions all Synodical actions are advisory to member congregations and pastors.

Service Times

Monday to Sunday:
9:00 am - 12:30 am


1035 Poland Avenue
United States



Rev. Roy A. Steward


Tel: 8149434609
Web: http://www.elcm.org
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