Epiphany Evangelical Lutheran Church
-Warm, friendly folks. Parish offers a range of services both in English and German. All activities are in English, except for the Seniors Group which is in German.-Regular Adult Bible Study -Sunday School and Confirmation available based on need-Monthly Ladies Group-Craft Circle-Committee and volunteer based-Celebrating 50 years with a variety of activity-small vocal ensemble sings periodically - choir disbanded-supports food program providing breakfasts for elementary aged children
Service Times
Sunday 9:00AM German- Service of Word 1st&3rd Sunday of month
Sunday 9:00AM German - Holy Communion 2nd&4th Sunday of month
Sunday 10:30AM English - Holy Communion 1st&3rd Sunday of month
Sunday 10:30AM English - Service of Word and Prayer 2nd&4th Sunday of month
Sunday 10:30AM Joint Holy Communion - 5th Sunday of month
Wednesday 7:30PM Alternative Evening Prayer during Lent and Advent
20 Old Kingston Rd
M1E 3J5
Tel: 4162845922
Web: http://epiphanylutheranchurch.ca
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