Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church

Seventh-day Adventist Church

Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church, New Bern, North Carolina, United States
Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church, New Bern, North Carolina, United States
Pastor Divine Ayivor

Who We Are

Come and rejuvenate your worship experience. Experience the Lord’s presence afresh in an atmosphere of love and truth. New Bern Ephesus SDA Church is located in beautiful, historic New Bern, (National Avenue & Avenue B) North Carolina. Come and experience complete and unlimited Recovery, Eternal Restoration, Divine Redemption, Lifestyle Regeneration, Relationship Reconciliation, And Personal Reclamation in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church in New Bern, North Carolina; We are Christians who worship God on the Sabbath (Saturday) as stated in the Exodus 20:8-11. We believe Jesus is coming soon and it will be literal and visible worldwide. Revelation1:7. We believe that dead Christians will remain resting in their graves until resurrection morning when the dead in Christ shall rise 1 Thessalonians 4:16 & 17. We believe that Jesus is in the Holy of Holies interceding for us at the throne of God. We believe our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit that dwells in us therefore we abstain from, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, unclean foods, and anything that will destroy our body and affect our minds. We believe that when we confess our sins to Jesus, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9. We are not Jehovah's witnesses and we are not Mormons. We are Christians who keep the Sabbath Holy from Sunset Friday to Sunset Saturday. Hebrews 4:4-1. We believe in both the Old and New Testament which make the entire bible. We believe the Ten Commandments are still valid and will never change because it was written by God Himself with His own finger on tables of stone. Exodus 31:18. We believe in Baptism by immersion symbolizing the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:1-4. We still believe in prayer and fasting.

No matter what your past has been, Jesus Christ can be your future!


Wonderful Praise Team music & Powerful Preaching from the Holy Bible KJV

Service Times

Saturday Sabbath Services

9:15 am Song Service
10:00 am Sabbath School Classes
10:45 am Personal Ministries
11:00 am Preaching the Gospel
01:30 pm Lunch
04:00 pm Adventist Youth Society
06:00 Pm Closing services

Tuesday 10:00 am Food distribution

Wednesday 12 & 7:00 pm Prayer Meeting

Thursday 6:00pm Bible Reading


1217 N Pasteur St
New Bern
North Carolina
United States



Divine Ayivor


Tel: 2526384572
Web: http://newbernephesus22.adventistchurchconnect.org
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