Dunbar Evangelical Lutheran Church
Evangelical Lutheran
We are a small but growing, vibrant community in Christ. Once large, our membership of our church has shrunk in recent decades. So if we were to put ourselves in a category, it would be "mission redevelopment." " Experiment! Experiment!" Is very much a motto here. We now regularly post the order of service and hymns by "power point".Our members come from a variety of denominational background and age groups and offer tremendous gifts to our worship life. While we are a diverse group, our worship is rooted firmly in Lutheran tradition. We are known as a friendly congregation with refreshments) and fellowship after worship each Sunday. We host regular Bible studies, other educational opportunities, fellowship activities throughout the year, and outreach to the wider community. We are currently exploring ways to be reach and become involved with the community, as well as make the Sunday worship experience more hospitable. We have just completed a major renovation of our fellowship space, which we now share with a Montessori school. We are committed to the construction of a lift to accommodate wheelchair access.
Service Times
Sunday 10:30AM Service of the Word. 2nd & 4th Sunday - Holy Communion according to "Evangelical Lutheran Worship" (2006 Aubsburg Fortress)
3491 31 Ave W
British Columbia
V6S 1X6
Rev Thomas Keeley
Tel: 6042666818
Web: http://www.dunbarlutheran.ca
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