Crossroads Fellowship


Crossroads Fellowship, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
Easter Sunday @ Crossroads
Staff Christmas Lunch
Good Friday Service
Sunday at Crossroads

A non-denominational Christian church with two campus locations in the Triangle area of North Carolina, Crossroads Fellowship is committed to reaching the community with the love of Christ while leading believers to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Crossroads Vision & Mission

Our Vision:
Decade of Destiny 2012-2022

Five Behaviors of Discipleship help orient us toward God. Every month we will highlight a different practice of these behaviors as an idea of what you may want to consider in your pursuit of God.

Are you ready to see God do great things?
Then join us on the journey as we...
Connect, Grow, Serve, Pray, & Give!

Our Mission:
Transform the Triangle & the World

Why do we exist as a church?
We exist to develop fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who want to transform the Triangle and the world.
What motivates us as a church?
Our love for God gives us sensitivity to the lost, love for the found, & passion for our city.
What do we do as a church?
We lead, serve, pray, and organize so that people can experience salvation, sanctification, and mobilization.
How will we succeed as a church?
We will succeed to the degree that we help people connect, grow, serve, pray, and give.

Service Times

Chuck Milian, Senior Pastor
Worship Center | 9:15am & 11:00am

Worship Style: The music in this venue is driving with strong praise and fervent worship. Services include songs from contemporary, rock, gospel, and alternative genres.

Chuck Milian, Senior Pastor (Live Video)
Great Room | 9:15am & 11:00am

Worship Style: This venue is led by a smaller and generally younger music team with an acoustic vibe. The songs are energized and their passion is strong with an alternative feel and song selection.

Chuck Milian, Senior Pastor (Live Video)
The Chapel | 9:15am & 11:00am

Worship Style: Our classic chapel venue offers live worship music with a blend of traditional hymns, choruses and current songs. Worshipers will regularly experience a choir, blue grass, folk or gospel music selections.


2721 East Millbrook Road
North Carolina
United States



Chuck Milian
Senior Pastor

Emily Ver Steeg
Church Administrator


Tel: 9199810222111
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