Community Baptist Church


Community Baptist Church, Richmond, Virginia, United States
Fellowship Sunday November 2021

Our Purpose

To lead the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. To ground believers in the Bible for victorious living. To teach Christians to evangelize and disciple others.

Our Passion

“…to proclaim the excellence of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” The basis for our being and the foundation of our faith rest solely on the Lord Jesus Christ. We have discovered that excellence in living comes as a result of obeying God’s Word, and allowing Jesus Christ to be the focal point of our lives.

Our People

Color and social background are not issues at CBC. Everyone meets at the level ground of the cross, where the only thing that counts is that we are equally sinners and equally sons of God through Jesus Christ. We provide a unique opportunity for ministry for those who are serious about serving the Lord. Serving the Lord “with gladness” is a special blessing at CBC. Opportunities include ushering, working with the children and youth, choir and special music, church visitation, and Bible study opportunities.

Service Times

Regular Worship Services

Sunday School 9:45 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Worship 7:00 PM
* Fellowship Sunday

Worship Services (last sunday of the month)

Sunday School 9:45 AM
Sunday Morning Worship 11:00 AM
Fellowship Sunday Luncheon 12:00 PM

Weekly Services

Wed. Evening Bible Study 6:30 PM


7521 Comanche Dr
United States



Dr. Michael D. McClary


Tel: 8042333113
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