Cobar Baptist Church


Cobar Baptist Church, Cobar, New South Wales, Australia
Cobar Baptist Church, Cobar, New South Wales, Australia

The Cobar Baptist Church believes

That there is one God in three persons; The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.
That all men are sinners in need of salvation.
That Jesus Christ is the Son of Man, God manifest in the flesh, who rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.
That Jesus Christ by His death upon the cross made full atonement for all sin. This atonement is the only ground of salvation and is sufficient for all men.
That the Holy Spirit of God convicts of sin, regenerates and sanctfies the believer.
That the Holy Scriptures, namely the 66 books of the Bible were given by Divine Inspiration, and as such are the Word of God.
That justification is by faith in Christ alone.
That there shall be a bodily resurrection of the dead, both of the saved unto life, and the unsaved unto condemnation.
That the Lord Jesus Christ will come again.
That the Christian Baptism is by immersion in water for believers only.

The Objects of the Cobar Baptist Church are

To proclaim the Gospel by which men and women may be saved, to teach the truths of the Word of God to young and old, so that they shall grow in the Christian life and be equipped for Christian service.
To proclaim the sole Lordship of Jesus Christ in the lives of its members and to seek to fulfil His Programme in the life of the community, the nation and the wider world beyond, through vigorous evangelistic and missionary enterprises.
To live and work together as a body of Christians united in a local church in accordance with the New Testament principles and practices.
To seek to preserve the unity of the Spirit in Christian love and harmony.
To conduct services for the worship of God as the Church is led by the Spirit of God.
To observe the ordinances of the Lord's Supper and Believer's Baptism.
To meet regularly for united prayer, the reading of the Scripture and the ministry of the Word of God.
To mutually comfort, strengthen, instruct, help, exhort and pray for one another.
To cooperate with the local churches for the extension of the kingdom of God.
To afiliate with and actively support the various departments of the Baptist Union of New South Wales.

Service Times

7:30pm Bible Study in recess for school holidays

9:30am Playtime in recess for school holidays

6:00pm Awana Kids Club for (8 to 12 year olds)
in recess for school holidays

9:15am Public School Scripture in recess for school holidays

Sunday 10:00 am
Family Worship Service
followed by Morning Tea in the Hall. All Welcome


9 Harcourt Street
New South Wales



Ps. Trenton Grofos


Tel: 0268362616
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