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Denomination: Evangelical Charismatic Church

We are a charismatic, interdenominational, evangelical, multi-site church.

EVANGELICAL – We take a literal view of the Scriptures and believe it is our responsibility to share the gospel by telling others about a personal need for Jesus Christ as their Saviour.

CHARISMATIC – We believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in the church today, empowering His people with supernatural gifts (such as healing and speaking/praying in other tongues, etc.) to help them with the task of sharing the gospel.

INTERDENOMINATIONAL – Rather than being aligned with any one of the traditional denominations, we have positioned ourselves to be home for people of a diversity of denominational backgrounds. We are, however, closely related to many evangelical churches in Winnipeg as well as affiliated with an association of other like-minded interdenominational churches, primarily in western Canada and the US, called LifeLinks International.

MULTI-SITE – We are one church in many locations, united under one vision, one Senior Pastoral Team, one budget, and one Board of Directors. There are currently five Church of the Rock locations (or “campuses”):

Winnipeg South
Bronx Park
North End
Church of the Rock Online

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Saturday at 5:25 PM (no Kidz Rock)
Sunday at 9:25 AM with Kidz Rock
Sunday at 11:25 AM with Kidz Rock

For Kidz Rock, please visit the Kidz Rock desk to check-in your children before the service begins. Then your children will join you in the Sanctuary to participate in the first few worship songs before being dismissed to their Kidz Rock classes.


Please join us for online services at

Sunday at 9:25 AM – on with live chat + Kidz Rock
Sunday at 11:25 AM – on + Kidz Rock
Sunday 1:30 PM and 7:30 PM – service replays, no chat


2021 Christmas Schedule

Same service 3 times

Friday, December 24 at 5:35pm | no Kidz Rock

Sunday, December 26 at 9:25pm & 11:25pm | with Kidz Rock

1397 Buffalo Place Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3T 1L6

  • Mark Hughes

    Lead Pastor
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