Church of the Holy Trinity

Episcopal Church

Church of the Holy Trinity, Nashville, Tennessee, United States
Jazz 2016
Church in the Yard (CitY)
Sanctuary Window
Holy Trinity’s Daughters of the King

Church of the Holy Trinity Mission Statement

The mission of Church of the Holy Trinity is to worship God and restore all people we meet to unity with God and each other through Jesus Christ.

Church of the Holy Trinity Vision Statement

The Church of the Holy Trinity exists to spread God’s love into the world through teaching and action consonant with the traditions of the Episcopal Church. We envision a world in which baptismal vows are made real as we express ourselves in the world around us.

Church of the Holy Trinity Core Values

We welcome all to join us in worship and ministry.
We respect the dignity and unique gifts of every human being.
We seek and serve Christ in all people, loving our neighbors as ourselves.
We desire to grow as a community of God’s people by reaching out to others.
We strive for justice and peace among all people.
We desire to be active in the world as witnesses of God’s love.
We pledge ourselves to compassion and service, as we support one another.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we seek to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in thought, word, and deed. We do this through worship, education, service and sharing our faith with others. We are imperfect people, walking by faith. We seek transformation and conversion through a close, personal relationship with God. If you are searching, looking or longing for a stronger relationship with God; if you are in need of spiritual growth or renewal, we invite you to join our community of faith. Come and worship with us. Come and join us as we journey into the image of God in which we have been created and the fullness of the stature of Christ to which we have been called. Come and learn about and experience the awesome transforming power of God’s love made known in Jesus Christ.

Service Times

Sunday - Holy Eucharist
8:00 am, 11:00 am
2:00 pm - Holy Eucharist
with Church in the Yard and outreach

Wednesday - Holy Eucharist and Intercessory Prayers - 6:00 pm


615 Sixth Avenue South
United States



The Rev. Bill Dennler

Carl Berg
Administrative Assistant


Tel: 6152566359
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