Church of God New Jersey

Church of God

Church of God New Jersey, Matawan, New Jersey, United States
State Council 2015
State Youth Board

The Church Of God humble beginnings date back to 1886. Hungry for more of God, eight people came together and began a movement that today has grown to a worldwide membership of over 7 million people in 179 countries. The church is the hope of the world. Our mission is to proclaim the full gospel of Jesus Christ in the Spirit and power of Pentecost. There are 7 core values that undergird this mission. Prayer, Pentecostal Worship, World evangelization, Church planting, Leadership development, Interdependence and Care.

We are passionate about making our churches Christ centered, need oriented and people sensitive. We are fervent in our churches becoming the closest thing to heaven on the earth. The church is the hope of the world. Christ has given to us the ministry of reconciling people back to God His Father. Lost People matter to God! The church is a living body of believers in the world, connecting people to God. The church is the gates of heaven, the channel of the revelation of God, the theater of His grace, the pillar and ground of His truth, the source of sanctities and purities which strengthen men for living, and comfort them in dying. The church as the hope of the world must be as the very arm of God underneath the weak, sheltering the oppressed, open to the erring, a sanctuary to the despair, the minister to their sorrows the tender nurse of their faith enlightening their inward eyes that they would see the beauty of Christ and reflect that glory in the market place.

Our greatest aim in life should be to love the Father and the lost. The burning desire of the Father and the Son for the salvation of souls must be the burning desire of our hearts too.

It’s not too ambitious to ask God for 10% of our communities!

We are aggressively launching a soul winning campaign for the next 90 days. We desire to add at least 10 new members to each of our congregations. Acts 2:46-47 They continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.

Service Times

State Prayer Meeting and Intersection

Every First Wednesday
10:00 am - 11:00 am


147 Lower Main Street
New Jersey
United States



Steve Smith
Administrative Bishop


Tel: 7327658080
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