Christ the King and Our Lady

Catholic Church

Christ the King Church
Our Lady of Good Help Church
Twinkle House Charity
Parish Craft Group
Memorial Garden

Welcome to our Parish of Christ the King and Our Lady.

The Parish of Christ the King and Our Lady serves the former parish communities of Christ the King, Our Lady of Good Help and Saint Paschal Baylon.

As a parish we are always seeking new ways to enable people to feel welcome and at home within our community. We believe that everyone should be valued and respected as children of God. We are committed to enabling people both young and old to come to realise this more and more in their daily lives.

Based upon our own experience of God, we try to live out the Gospel values in everything we do, both at home, in our work place and in our community prayer. We realise that, wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we are called to witness to the love of God in our lives.

Our Simple Prayer

Lord, deepen in us our love for you today, so that in all things we may find our good, and the good of others.

Mass Times


Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Tuesday 13th September 2022 9.10am Alex Swift: Birthday Blessing

Wednesday September 2022 14th Eucharistic adoration from 6.00—7.00pm
7.00pm World Peace

Thursday 15th September 2022 NO MASS

Exposition of Blessed Sacrament will recommence 29th September 2022

Friday 16th September 2022 NO MASS

Twenty-Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Saturday 17th September 2022 5.30pm Brenda Duffy RIP

Sunday 18th September 2022 9.30am People of the Parish
11.00am Keith Prentice Jnr

Confession: Saturday evening 4.45 pm to 5.10 pm

We apologise when times and Mass intentions occasionally need to be changed at short notice for Requiem Masses


78 Queens Drive
United Kingdom
L15 6YQ



Father Colin Fealey
Parish Priest

Robert Kidd and Brenda Williams
Parish Office Administrators


Tel: 01517222231
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