Christ Fellowship Apostolic Pentecostal Church

Apostolic Church

Christ Fellowship Apostolic Pentecostal Church, Lebanon, Missouri, United States
Christ Fellowship Apostolic Pentecostal Church, Lebanon, Missouri, United States

Christ Fellowship is an Apostolic Pentecostal Church offering the hope, peace and joy that comes through the love of Christ and the salvation He gives.

Statement of Faith

"...and they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine..." - Acts 2:42

Christ Fellowship is an Apostolic Church which means we wholeheartedly embrace as absolutely true and essential the ancient Biblical doctrines, among which are the absolute Oneness of God, the essentiality of the New Birth, the identity of Jesus Christ as the One Creator God manifest in the flesh, repentance from dead works, the essentiality of water baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins, and the essentiality of the baptism with the Holy Ghost with the common sign of speaking with tongues.

Christ Fellowship is a Pentecostal Church which means we wholeheartedly embrace as absolutely true and essential the present operation of God by His Spirit through the gifts of the Spirit and the responsibility of the Body to judge what is allegedly spoken by the Spirit of God. We accept the empowerment of the believer as a temple of the Holy Ghost unto a victorious life of holiness, modesty, and moderation. We reject rigid formalism in public worship and prayer while equally rejecting an atmosphere of indecency or disorder.

Service Times

Sunday School 10 AM
Sunday Worship 11 AM

Wednesday Prayer & Bible Study 7 PM


380 South Washington Avenue
United States



Jason and Elaine Hood


Tel: 4173448919
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