Bethany Lutheran Church

Evangelical Lutheran

Bethany Lutheran Church, Spencer, Iowa, United States
Bethany Lutheran Church, Spencer, Iowa, United States
Easter worship
2020 07 05 Outdoor Worship
Christmas at Bethany

Bethany Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

We are a worshiping community where ALL people are welcome.

We believe every gender, every race, ALL are covered by God's Grace.

Our mission

Together in Jesus Christ we are freed by grace to live faithfully, witness boldly and serve joyfully.

Our vision

A world experiencing the difference God’s grace and love in Christ makes for all people and creation.

Our values

Our values are grounded in faith, in our biblical and Lutheran confessional sources and our love of God and neighbor. They speak to the way this church lives and practices our faith, and they will guide how we journey forward in Christ as church together.

Forgiveness and reconciliation

We are reconciled to God by God’s forgiving mercy. Forgiveness and reconciliation flow from what God has made us to be in Jesus Christ and what God is doing with us in the world. As a people of God, we embody forgiveness in speech, action and relationships, and our ministry in reconciliation is foundational.

Dignity, compassion and justice

Each person is created in God’s image. We respect this God-given right to dignity and, inspired by the life of Jesus, show love and compassion for all people. Through proclamation of the gospel, through worship and as servants of God working for healing and justice in the world, we uphold and seek to protect the dignity and human rights of all people.

Inclusion and diversity

As Christ’s church, we value the richness of God’s creation and offer a radical welcome to all people, appreciating our common humanity and our differences. We are a church that does not view diversity as a barrier to unity. We recognize and will challenge dynamics of power and privilege that create barriers to participation and equity in this church and society – for women, people of color, minority ethnic groups, people with disabilities, people who are marginalized or living in poverty, and the LGBTQ community.

Service Times

Worship Service

Join us online this Sunday at 9 am via Bethany's Facebook page or YouTube channel


15 W 14th St
United States



Rev. Jeff Geiger

Mary Ann Quail
Administrative Assistant


Tel: 7122622327
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