Alligood Church of God

Church of God

Alligood Church of God, Washington, North Carolina, United States
Sunday worship

Pastor's Welcome

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As pastor of the Alligood Church of God, I want to welcome everyone to our church. Our vision is to reach the family, the community, and the world for Christ. Our focus is on having a spirit-filled annointed church that reaches out to the lost and hurting world. By proclaiming God's Word and living a Christ-centered life, we hope to impact our generation and the future. We invite you to worship and praise God with us here in our services as we lift up the name of Jesus!

Service Times

Sunday Services

Sunday School 10:00 AM
Morning Worship 10:50 AM

Children’s Church – Ages 5 yrs. – 12 yrs.
(The 1st Sunday of each month the children worship in the regular service) 10:50 AM

Youth Service - Ages 6 yrs. - 19 yrs.
(The 3rd Sunday of each month in the fellowship hall) 10:50 AM

Sunday Evening Service 6:30 PM

Church Prayer Service Monday at 7:00 PM

Family Training Hour Wednesday at 7:30 PM

Ridgewood Manor Nursing Home
(1st Thursday of each month) 7:00 PM


1891 Mill Hole Road
North Carolina
United States



Gary Bateman


Tel: 2529273560
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