All Angels Episcopal Church

Episcopal Church

All Angels Episcopal Church, Eatonton, Georgia, United States
The altar

If you do not have a church home, you will find that All Angels is aglow with warmth and caring.

All Baptized persons are invited to receive the sacraments with us.

We do not profess to have all the answers but we welcome you to join us in our search.

Members of All Angels come from the Lake Oconee and Lake Sinclair areas, Putnam County and downtown Eatonton. We are diverse and accepting with members and visitors coming from various denominational backgrounds.

We are a member of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, a diocese of the Episcopal Church of America. As Episcopalians we use the Book of Common Prayer for our liturgy. Our Sunday bulletins provide an outline of each service and the Book of Common Prayer and Hymnals are available in each pew.

All Angels has an active lay ministry, with members leading the Prayers of the People, reading lessons, and assisting the priest with Holy Communion.

Service Times

All Angels Provides a Warm and Christ-centered Fellowship for Spiritual Nourishment and Community Outreach

Sunday Service - 10:00am
Brunch is served on the 1st Sunday of each month

Due to Covid-19, church services are temporarily suspended.
A truncated service is on YouTube.
To receive the link to the service, contact our priest Loree Reed by calling her at (770) 367–0850


405 North Jefferson Ave
United States



Rev. Loree Reed

Carillon Orban


Tel: 7703670850
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