Albuquerque Sovereign Grace Baptist Church


Albuquerque Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States
Albuquerque Sovereign Grace Baptist Church sign
Tom and Carolyn Pace visit
The sanctuary
Assistant Music Director Makiko Kimura

Albuquerque Sovereign Grace Baptist Church

est. May 17, 2000

Our Constitution

Scripture Alone is breathed out by God.
Scripture Alone is inerrant (incapable of error).
Scripture Alone is infallible (free from error).
Scripture Alone can bind man's conscience.

Yet God has given gifts by His Holy Spirit to His image bearers to enable them, through diligent study and careful examination, in private deliberation and public discussion with others of same like faith,
to lay precept beside precept and line beside line so that others may enjoy the fruit of their labors and more easily understand Him and better discern His will.

While in a very limited manner the work of man can be free from error, no work of man is incapable of error. So, with the caveat that where they agree with Scripture, we agree and where they differ, we differ, and knowing that we ourselves are fallible in our judgments, we present as summaries of the principle doctrines of the faith and as useful guides for the Christian believer the 1689 Confession of Faith, primarily, and, supportingly, The Baptist Faith and Message.

Service Times

Sunday Morning

10:00 a.m. Sunday School
Verse by verse through the Letters to the Corinthians

11:00 a.m. Worship Service
Preaching the Word and Singing Psalms and Hymns to unite the Church Visible with the Church Invisible

Sunday Evening

6:00 p.m. Study "Bible Discussions"

Wednesday Evening
7:00 p.m. Bible Study


1534 Blake Rd. SW
New Mexico
United States



Charles Treadwel

Daniel Sharpes


Tel: 5058777939
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